Wildlife Hikes -
See a variety of animal species from monkeys and birds to insects and reptiles.
Ceiba Tree
Three Striped Poison Arrow Frog -
Ameerega trivittata
Common Squirrel Monkey -
Saimiri sciureus
Brazilian Tapir footprint -
Tapirus terrestris
Weevil - Family:
Ringed Tree Boa -
Corallus annulatus
Bird Watching - Colombia is home to the highest number of bird species on the planet, come spot a few.
Orange Bellied Euphonia -
Euphonia xanthogaster
Wattled Jacana -
Jacana jacana
Ruficent Tiger Heron -
Tigrisoma lineatum
Striated Heron -
Butoridess striata
Slate Colored Hawk -
Buteogallus schistaceus
Ornate hawk eagle (juvenile) -
Spizaetus ornatus
Green backed Trogon (male) -
Trogon viridis
Great potoo -
Nyctibius grandis
Scale Breasted Woodpecker -
Celus grammicus
Canoeing -
Paddle along the river using the traditional canoes of local fishermen. See if your balance is good enough to keep you out of the river.
Fishing -
Fish for piranhas and other local fish.
Our guide Reynaldo with a Tiger Shovelnose Catfish -
Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum
Piranha - Subfamily:
Red-tailed catfish -
Phractocephalus hemioliopterus
Piranha - Subfamily:
Piranha - Subfamily:
Blackwater Lake Excursion - Lake Tarapoto & Puerto Nariño -
A chance to see the two Amazonian dolphin species and maybe go for a swim.
Lake Tarapoto
Lake Tarapoto
Gery Dolphin -
Sotalia fluviatilis
Gery Dolphin -
Sotalia fluviatilis
Pink Dolphin -
Inia geoferensis
Pink Dolphin -
Inia geoferensis
Pink Dolphin - Inia geoferensis
Great Egret - Ardea alba
Search for Caimans
An evening excursion looking for members of the alligator family. Guests will have a chance to see these predators up close.
Smooth Fronted Caiman -
Paleosuchus trigonatus
Smooth Fronted Caiman -
Paleosuchus trigonatus
White Caiman -
Caiman crocodilus
Curviers Dwarf Caiman -
Paleosuchus palpebrosus
Smooth Fronted Caiman -
PPaleosuchus trigonatus
Black Caiman -
Melanosuchus niger
Hunting Weapon Classes
Hunters have long used the blow gun and bow and arrow to feed their families. Test your skill with these traditional hunting tools.
Tour of San Martin
Visit the Ticuna community of San Martin. Meet the natives and learn how an indigenous community functions.
San Martin
San Martin
Preperation of the Amazonian staple food called fariña
Relax and take in the sun on beautiful sandy beaches along the river.
Craft Classes
Learn how to make simple pieces of art from the skilled natives.
Chambira Palm leaves used to make rope for crafts
Traditional Tattoos -
Have a tattoo done using the pulp of the huito fruit. These temporary creations will last from 1 to 3 weeks.

Nocturnal walks -
Night is the most active time for many animals and maybe the only time to catch a glimpse of many species.
Treefrog - Family:
Kinkajou -
Kinkajou -
Potus Flavus
Murine Mouse Opossum -
Marmosa murina
Tarantula - Family:
Tailess whip scorpion - Order:
Imantodes cenchoa
Giant Leaf Frog -
Philomedusa bicolor
Overnight Camping Trips & Treks -
Leave the comforts of the cabins and spend as many days as you like exploring the fascinating rainforest.
Our standard hammock and tarp setup
Our standard hammock and tarp setup
Our standard hammock and tarp setup
Our guide Rodolfo tending a campfire in a rain storm
Trekking through the forest
The forest in the early morning
Wildlife Sanctuary -
See a wide variety of monkeys up close at the
sanctuary. Enjoy this rare opportunity to interact with a number of species as they roam freely on the center's grounds.
6 primate species all in 1 photo
Monk Saki Monkey -
Pithecia monachus
Common Wooly Monkey -
Lagothrix lagothricus
Red Howler Monkey -
Alouata seniculus
Brown Capuchin Monkey -
Cebus apella
Pygmy Marmoset -
Cebuella pygmaea
Dusky Titi Monkey -
Callicebus moloch
Brown Throated Three Toed Sloth -
Bradypus variegatus